Talk with Karin Kneffel and René Wirths at KAI 10 | ARTHENA FOUNDATION Düsseldorf

A painted picture is first and foremost a painted picture

Karin Kneffel and René Wirths in conversation with Ludwig Seyfarth
Thursday, 23 January 2025, 7 pm

The painter Maurice Denis remarked in 1890 that before a painting depicts a warhorse, a naked body or an anecdote, it is essentially a surface covered in colour. This statement was programmatic for the departure of modern painting from the illusionistic reproduction of reality. However, beyond the avant-garde trench warfare over abstraction and representationalism, Denis’ comment also contains generalities. Everything that is to be seen in a painted picture must first be solved as a problem of painting. In conversation, Karin Kneffel and René Wirths provide an insight into their working processes and explain how the results, which can be seen in the exhibition Frozen Mirrors, are achieved.

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