Angelika Platen at Stadthaus Ulm

Angelika Platen. Delightful Encounters: Portraits of Artists

Opening: Sa, 25 January 2025, 7 pm Wiebke Ratzeburg in conversation with Angelika Platen, Livestream on Stadthaus Ulm YouTube channel

She had them all in front of her camera: Andy Warhol, Christo and Jeanne-Claude, Georg Baselitz, Hanne Darboven, Blinky Palermo, Jeff Koons, Sigmar Polke, Gerhard Richter, Marina Abramović, Monica Bonvicini, Herlinde Koelbl…

For her first photography exhibition in 1969 Angelika Platen (*1942 in Heidelberg) had already chosen the topic that was going to accompany her during her artistic career: photographic portraits of artists.

She took photographs of painters, sculptors, photographers, conceptual artists, performance artists, and found object artists in their own creative environment. Angelika Platen’s photographs demonstrate her ability to depict the essence of an artist in connection with their work in one single picture.

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